Banking 4

Refund Policy


In the event that a transaction on our [website name] fails due to technical issues, we are devoted to providing the user with a refund. The refund procedure will be initiated expeditiously in the event that a transaction fails.

The fee collected by ( website name), ( optional service fees) shall be refundable only if You have paid for the service. You may request a refund following the Refund Eligibility Criteria. Once we approve, we will process your refunds within 5 to 7 business days of the failed transaction date. Refunds will be processed by the same method as payment was made for these Services. For example, if payment was made via the use of a credit or debit card, the refund will also be done via the same credit/debit card.

The refund amount will be the total amount of the transaction, minus any applicable service fees. Please note, however, that any fees assessed by the payment gateway or other third-party providers, as well as any applicable taxes, will not be refunded.

Users must contact our customer support team and provide pertinent information, such as the transaction ID and the date and time of the failed transaction, in order to request a refund for a failed transaction. Our customer service representatives will walk users through the refund procedure and resolve any questions or concerns that may arise.

This refund policy only applies to transactions that fail due to technical issues on our [website name]. Regarding any other refund requests, such as those involving unauthorized transactions or disputes, please refer to our Dispute Resolution policy or contact our customer support for assistance.

This refund policy is subject to modification or update at any time. Any modifications to the policy will be communicated via our [website name] or other suitable channels. You acknowledge and consent to the terms of this refund policy by continuing to use our services.

Non-Refundable Transactions:

Non-refundable commodities or transactions include, but are not limited to:

  • Fees, Penalties, Tax or other charges imposed by regulatory authorities or government entities.
  • Unauthorized transactions caused by your carelessness, such as sharing account information or neglecting to safeguard login credential
  • Transactions that contravene our terms or applicable laws and regulations.


A chargeback occurs when a user disputes a [website name] transaction with their bank or credit card issuer. We are committed to handling chargebacks fairly and efficiently.

We recommend users first contact our customer support team to resolve any transaction issues before initiating a chargeback. Our customer support team will work to resolve user issues.

In the event that a chargeback is initiated without prior communication with our customer support team, we reserve the right to suspend the user's account and restrict their access to our [website name] until the chargeback is resolved.

We will work with the user's bank or credit card issuer to provide documentation and evidence to support the transaction after receiving a chargeback request. We will actively participate in chargebacks and provide all necessary information to resolve the dispute quickly.

We will refund a chargeback if the user's bank or credit card issuer approves it. The refund amount does not include payment gateway or other third-party fees or taxes.

It is important to note that initiating a chargeback without valid reasons or in cases of fraudulent activity may result in legal action and the user being held responsible for any associated costs and damages.

This chargeback policy may change at any time. Our [website name] or other channels will announce policy changes. You accept this chargeback policy by using our services.

Dispute Resolution:

We acknowledge that disputes may arise between users and our [website name] over transactions, fees, and other issues. We are committed to resolving these disputes efficiently and fairly. We encourage users to contact our customer support team in the event of a dispute in order to provide details and seek resolution. Our customer support team will investigate the issue exhaustively and work to find a mutually agreeable resolution. To ensure customer satisfaction, we strive to address and resolve disputes quickly.